The German Partizip 2 – Forms & Usage

Partizip 2

In this article, you will find everything need to know about the German Partizip 2: its usage (Perfekt, passive and as an adjective), how it’s formed and the most important irregular forms. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Partizip 2! This words comes up a lot in every German class and course book. Most importantly, … Read more



With this article you will finally understand what the Zustandspassiv is as well as how and when to use it! I’ll show you exactly what the difference to the other passive forms (Handlungspassiv) is. It’s definitely a lot easier than you probably think. The main difficulty is that there is no direct equivalent in many … Read more

Passive Voice In German – All tenses and forms

All Gernan Passive Voice Forms

This article provides you with all the German passive forms (Handlungspassiv) – on their own as well as in combination with modal verbs and/or in subclauses. Table of Contents In a previous article I showed you the fundamentals of the passive voice in German grammar. So if you are not sure what the passive is … Read more